Transform from MSSql to MySql. Mysql.
The conversion is: MSSQL -> VFP -> MySQL.
We provide
- scripts to create the MySQL DB
- an export MSSQL -> VFP
- an export VFP -> MySQL
The main steps for you to do are:
1. install a MYSQL server
2. setup a MySQL database
3. create a database user
4. create the OPAS MySQL DB
5. convert your data to MySQL
But: in a MySQL dump, you can have data or data and structure. In the second case, the MySQL dump usually creates the MySQL scheme (step 4) – in this case there’s no need to create it separately beforehand.
On the server:
- you’ll need an ODBC Driver (MySQL ODBC 5.3 ANSI Driver)
- in the .ini you’ll have to 1. change the DBType (=MySQL) and 2. modify the ODBC connect string
- and if you have OPAS Online, you need the same connect string in the uploadxml.cfg .
On every workstation:
- you’ll need to install the ODBC driver and
- configure the ODBC connection like the one the server.
We support: MySQL >= version 5.6 and Maria DB version 10.
Having a tool like HeidiSQL or MySQL Workbench can be advantageous.